Yarrabee Goat Sales
Yarrabee has been supplying various domestic and export avenues with quality breeding stock since 1999. Stud Boer breeders and export buyers can purchase quality, registered stud stock, suitable for showing and further stud breeding.
The next Yarrabee Annual Sale will be held on the 4th of April 2025.

Yarrabee Boer Goat Stud annually produces for sale, quality fullblood Boer does and bucks – standards and reds; and limited numbers of purebred does. These are available from six months of age. In 2023/2024, these young goats will mainly be available at the annual March sale.
Regardless of your preferred type of Boer goat, you can purchase with confidence at Yarrabee – realistically priced Boer goats of various categories will be offered for sale. You can always be assured of receiving reliable advice about your purchases and their management.
The countries of destination that Yarrabee goats have been exported to, include: China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines. Considerable numbers of Yarrabee registered fullblood Boer does and bucks, and crossbred does have been sold to these export markets.
Meanwhile, there are Yarrabee goats thriving on large Australian acreages. Commercial meat goat producers can select from registered and unregistered fullblood bucks, ideal for running in extensive situations with Rangeland and Boer-cross does. At times, numbers are limited due to the demand for quality bucks to breed meat goats for the goat meat market.